
How Can Mongoose Be Helpful in Mean Stack Development While Making Websites & Web Apps?

To save data to the Mongoose database, Node.js & Express.js can be used. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js are all part of the MEAN stack, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. I’ll show you how to use Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB.js in this tutorial. We’ll make a very basic Node application that allows users to enter data into a MongoDB database. It will also display all of the objects that have been added to the database. Before we begin, we’ll define a few terminologies that you’ll encounter frequently when developing a MEAN stack development. After that, we’ll begin constructing our example.

The abbreviation CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It’s a term that refers to the process of having your data saved in a database. You will demonstrate how to insert new data into the database and subsequently read data from the database in this example.


A RESTful API is an application programme interface that allows you to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data via HTTP queries. We’ll use an API to control when we add data to our database and when we read data from it.

Creating a Node Application

A RESTful API is an application programme interface that allows you to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data via HTTP queries. We’ll use an API to control when we add data to our database and when we read data from it.

Saving Data to Database

Mongoose has a save function that allows you to save a JSON object to the database. The user’s input will be converted into JSON format via our body-parser middleware.

One can need to construct a new instance of our model that we established earlier to save the data into the database. The user’s input will be passed into this instance. Only need to enter the command “save” once we have it.

On a database save, Mongoose will return a promise. When the save to the database is complete, a promise is returned. Either this save will complete successfully or it will fail. A promise has two techniques for dealing with both of these eventualities.

If the database saves were successful, the promise will return to the. then section. In this situation, we’d like to send a text message to the user informing them that their data has been saved to the database.

If it fails, it will return to the promises. catch segment. In this scenario, we’d like to send the user a text message informing them that their data was not saved to the database. It is also recommended that the statusCode returned be changed from the normal 200 to a 400. The operation failed with a statusCode of 400.


XcelTec has created a notes app that has all CRUD capability. The code may appear difficult at first, but learning is only possible if you write it yourself. You’ll learn by doing rather than watching & XcelTec is always there to assist & help you to archive your goals.

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